Episodes tagged: historic trades

The Best of the West with Katherine Wonson of the Western Center for Historic Preservation

Episode —  № 145

September 29, 2020

Guest: Katherine Wonson

Future of Open-Air Museums & Historic Trades at the Genesee Country Village

Episode —  № 137

August 3, 2020

Guest: Becky Wehle & Peter Wisbey

Building a Legacy in the Preservation Trades with Dr. Harrison Goodall

Episode —  № 125

May 11, 2020

Guest: Dr. Harrison Goodall

Leading from the Front: Aimee Jorjani, First Full-Time Chair of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation

Episode —  № 124

May 4, 2020

Guest: Aimee Jorjani, Chairman

Rising from the Ashes with the Catoctin Furnace Historic Building Trades Program

Episode —  № 105

May 6, 2019

Guest: Elizabeth Comer

Preservation Around the World with Melanie Lytle of Restoration Works International

Episode —  № 98

December 3, 2018

Guest: Melanie Lytle

Training A Volunteer Workforce to Save Historic Places with Towny Anderson of HistoriCorps

Episode —  № 94

November 5, 2018

Guest: Towny Anderson

Hands-On Preservation with Matt Hankins of Worcester Eisenbrandt

Episode —  № 79

July 23, 2018

Guest: Matt Hankins