Episodes: page 16

Episode — № 34
Saving Froelicher Hall: Goucher College’s Historic Building Move
Moving a historic home is already a challenge. But moving a historic college dorm? Stick around while Nick talks to Terence McCann, Jr., the Director of Facilities Management Services at Goucher College, where they are in the process of moving three out of four of the original buildings that make up Froelicher Hall. This move […]

Episode — № 33
Revolving Funds, Easements, and D.C. Preservation with the L’Enfant Trust
Historic preservation is not always accomplished through the same methods, and it’s certainly not the same everywhere you go. That’s why Nick sat down with Lauren Oswalt McHale, President of the L’Enfant Trust in Washington, D.C., to compare notes on some of the Trust’s biggest programs. This includes their massive conservation easement program, as well […]

Episode — № 32
Live from the Old Line State Summit!
On July 12th of this year, preservationists from across the state of Maryland convened at the U.S. Naval Academy to take part in the Old Line State Summit, Preservation Maryland’s annual conference. Participants learned about all of the most current topics in the field, ranging from virtual and augmented reality, to the preservation of LGBTQ […]

Episode — № 31
Saving the Numero Uno Taco Bell
Every once in a while we in the preservation community can do with a pick me up; a preservation story where in spite of the challenges, people’s better nature prevails. And honestly that is the case with our guests this week, Matt Prince of Taco Bell and Katie Rispoli Keaotamai of We Are The Next. With […]

Episode — № 30
GIS and Technological Advances in Archaeology
There’s more to modern archaeology than the old shovel and trowel. With the use of Geographic Information Systems, archaeologists can create maps of land surface down to extraordinarily specific levels, and predict sites for teams to go in and dig. Nick sat down with Stacy Poulos from Maryland’s own Anne Arundel County to discuss the […]

Episode — № 29
Glass, Gas, and the Past: Neon Sign Preservation and Restoration
Although not always the first thing to come to mind as a cultural resource in need of preservation, neon signs are a unique form of art that exist at the crossroads of 20th century popular history and the preservation of what can make a community unique. And they look cool doing it. Join us as […]

Episode — № 28
We Are The Next: Youth Engagement in the 21st Century
Historic Preservation is meant to keep the best parts of the past alive so that future generations can partake in these shared cultural resources. But what is the point of that if future generations aren’t interested, or simply don’t know how to approach the world of preservation? Thankfully Katie Rispoli Keaotamai, the founder and executive […]

Episode — № 27
Energy Sprawl and Open Space Preservation in Kent County
The spread of clean energy technologies is the wave of the future, but where exactly should wind and solar plants go? Nick sat down with Elizabeth Watson and Janet Christensen-Lewis of the Kent Conservation and Preservation Alliance in Kent County, Maryland, to discuss their experience working to find alternative locations for wind turbines away from […]

Episode — № 26
Open Source Preservation with Baltimore Heritage
These days even folks who consider themselves luddites may very well have an e-mail address. That’s why it’s important to consider where online all the data and information we use on a daily basis is stored, who owns, and perhaps most important, who can access. Fortunately we are joined this week by Eli Pousson of […]

Episode — № 25
Too Afraid to Cry: Maryland Civilians in the Antietam Campaign
The battle at Antietam Creek has gone down in history as the bloodiest day of the American Civil War. But as too often happens in significant military moments, people tend to overlook what this battle meant for the local civilian population. That’s why this week’s guest, the award-winning author Kathleen Ernst, decided to do exactly […]

Episode — № 24
Diners, Dueling Grounds, and Dives: Roadside Architecture and the Anacostia Trails Heritage Area
Route One was once America’s thoroughfare, built over the older Quebec-Miami International Highway and the Atlantic Highway. A decent stretch of this old road falls under the purview of Aaron Marcavitch, the Executive Director of Maryland’s Anacostia Trails Heritage Area and this week’s guest. Aaron is an advocate for the preservation of roadside architecture, ranging […]

Episode — № 23
The Heart of the Civil War Heritage Area
Thinking of taking a trip and the beach just isn’t cutting it? You might stop to think about heritage tourism. Liz Shatto is here with us this week to share her knowledge of heritage tourism, and more specifically, about her own little slice of it at the Heart of the Civil War Heritage Area. From […]

Episode — № 22
It’s Not the Heat, It’s the Humidity: Preservation in the Southern Climate
Phew! Everybody loves the summertime, but not so much the beating hot sun! Nick spoke this week with Will Hamilton and Mariah Schwartz about the historic Aiken Rhett House in Charleston, South Carolina, and what preservationists can do to keep the temperature of a historic property under control, especially in the heat of a Southern […]

Episode — № 21
Lifting the Building: Historic Preservation and Flood Mitigation
Flooding is a serious problem for any building, but for a historic building, it can be catastrophic. Fortunately for us there are experts out there like this week’s guest Rod Scott who are able to help property owners take preventative measures. Rod not only shares with us how one can raise a building above the […]

Episode — № 20
A Day in the Life of an Archaeologist
When you think of archaeology, you may not think of new artifacts being found all the time here in Maryland. But according to our guest, Director of Archaeology for Anne Arundel County Stephanie Sperling, there may be things worth digging up in your backyard! Stick around as we learn about a day in the life of […]

Episode — № 19
Revitalization and the Restoration Economy
Here at Preservation Maryland we know that historic preservation can be a part of a larger world of reuse and revitalization, and we know that these projects are occurring all over the world. That’s why we brought in Storm Cunningham, a speaker, consultant, and thinker whose ideas have been put into practice all across the […]

Episode — № 18
Moving Historic Buildings
From power lines to old wood floors, there are a lot of challenges to overcome if you want to move a historic building. Fortunately for us Jeremy Bradham of Capitol Area Preservation in Raleigh, North Carolina, is able to explain how to overcome those challenges. Jeremy talks us through a typical building move, as well as […]

Episode — № 17
Tricks of the Trade with The Craftsman Blog
Nick is joined by Scott Sidler of the TheCraftsmanBlog.com and Austin Historical in Orlando, Florida, to discuss a range of topics, including Scott’s tips on restoring historic windows in your own home, as well as the story of how a man who moved to Orlando, Florida to “work for the Mouse” came to run one of the […]

Episode — № 16
Energy Retrofitting: Windows, Blower Doors, and More
What do you do with a drafty attic? A window? The whole house? Ed Minch and Thom Marston are here with us today to talk about one approach to making homes more energy efficient and their work at the nation’s first energy audit company, Energy Services Group. Stick around and learn about Ed’s “p.h.d.” approach, […]

Episode — № 15
ARtGlass: Augmented Reality in the World of Preservation
Ever visit a historic site and wish that you could see just a little bit more of what things were really like? Thanks to the work of Greg Werkheiser and his partners at ARtGlass, that will soon be possible. Listen as Nick and Greg discuss the future of augmented and virtual reality in historic preservation […]