Episodes: page 12

Episode —  № 113

Roadtripping through America’s Automotive History with Diane Parker of the Historic Vehicle Association

Start your engines – because on this week’s PreserveCast we’re talking historic cars and the history of the American Automobile with Diane Parker, Vice President of the Historic Vehicle Association. Buckle up and hit the clutch, because you’re listening to a revved-up edition of PreserveCast.

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Episode —  № 112

Horses, Houses, and History in Saratoga Springs with Samantha Bosshart

Nestled in the verdant fields and forests of the Hudson Valley, Saratoga Springs is a historic jewel of New York State – a place where the past is evocative and ever-present. The unique and charming character of Saratoga Springs didn’t happen by accident – like many places it’s the result of dedicated preservationists, like today’s […]

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Episode —  № 111

Introducing Young Visitors to Difficult History at Gettysburg with Barbara Sanders

Few names are as synonymous with the Civil War as Gettysburg. For many Americans, Gettysburg is the Civil War – a touchstone of American history that has captured the imagination and interest of the nation since the battle was fought over 150 years ago. Today’s guest, Barbara Sanders, has worked for the National Park Service […]

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Episode —  № 110

[RERELEASE] Exploring the Haunted History of America with Colin Dickey

As preservationists, we here at PreserveCast are usually concerned with the physical history: what we can know from the cold hard facts. But seeing as how it’s October and Halloween is around the corner, we thought we’d talk a little about haunted history. Author Colin Dickey joined host Nick Redding to talk about the history of ghost stories […]

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Episode —  № 109

[RERELEASE] What We Think We Know About Antietam History with Dennis Frye

Do you ever wonder how people can write new books about history? Shouldn’t it never change because it’s all in the past? The truth is anything but. No one can explain that better than our guest, Dennis Frye, as we approach the 157th Anniversary of the Battle of Antietam on September 17. Having been involved in everything […]

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Episode —  № 108

The Science of Data-Driven Community Revitalization with Heather Arnold of Streetsense

Why is it that some communities succeed and others flounder? What draws people into some shops and not others? What makes a great community? Is there a science to revitalizing downtowns and communities? Today’s guest, Heather Arnold, has made a career helping to answer these questions and many more. Grab you calculators and open up […]

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Episode —  № 107

Training the Next Generation in the Traditional Trades with Moss Rudley of the National Historic Preservation Training Center

Saving the historic fabric of America’s National Parks is a massive job – and it requires a wide range of skills. Teaching those skills and passing down the historic traditional trades within the National Park Service is the responsibility of the National Historic Preservation Training Center. Established in 1977 and headquartered in Frederick, Maryland, the […]

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Episode —  № 106

David J. Brown Reflects on 20 Years at the National Trust for Historic Preservation

Few names over the past twenty plus years have been as synonymous with the National Trust for Historic Preservation as David J. Brown. David served as the Chief Preservation Officer for the Trust and has worked with several CEOs to implement a complex, difficult and costly mission to save America’s historic places. As David has […]

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Episode —  № 105

Rising from the Ashes with the Catoctin Furnace Historic Building Trades Program

When you think of industrial furnaces you may think of the late 19th or early 20th centuries and places like Baltimore, Buffalo, and Pittsburgh. But, the history of American industry goes back much further – and one of the earliest industrial sites in Maryland is located in the foothills of Frederick County at the Catoctin […]

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Episode —  № 104

Sellabrating State & Local Pride with Ali von Paris of Route One Apparel

This week’s guest has used social media and Marylanders love for our quirky state flag to build an apparel brand from the ground up. Ali von Paris took a dorm room project and turned it into a career – and has used state pride as the backbone for that endeavor. We’ll explore that story and […]

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Episode —  № 103

The Glessner House on Display with Director and Curator, Bill Tyre

Chicago’s Glessner House is a National Historic Landmark that was designed by noted American architect Henry Hobson Richardson and completed in 1887 for John Glessner and Frances Glessner. The structure served as an inspiration to architects such as Louis Sullivan, Mies van Der Rohe, and the young Frank Lloyd Wright. It helped redefine domestic architecture.

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Episode —  № 102

Landmarks Illinois’ Statewide Approach to Preservation & Development with Bonnie McDonald

For many listeners, Illinois may only mean Chicago and the hustle and bustle of the second city – but Illinois is a massive state with a rich and stunning diversity of heritage. It’s a big job to advocate for and preserve that heritage and Landmarks Illinois, founded in 1971, is in a race against time […]

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Episode —  № 101

A Retrospective With Your Host, Nick Redding

This is also our 101st episode – and we’re changing the format slightly today to offer a brief retrospective on what we’ve learned about ourselves and preservation over the past 100 episodes – and to talk about where we’re headed moving forward. PreserveCast started as a brainstorming idea here in the Preservation Maryland office about […]

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Episode —  № 100

Preservation Incentives with Bill MacRostie of MacRostie Historic Advisors

It takes a village to make a preservation project a reality – and in today’s complex financial environment it also takes an expert in tax credit law to take a project from idea to completion. Today’s guest, Bill MacRostie is one of the nation’s leading experts in that complex but critical field. Sharpen your pencil […]

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Episode —  № 99

Maritime Preservation with Pete Lesher

Historic places and resources come in all shapes and sizes. On Maryland’s eastern shore, the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum preserves and restores a wide variety of historic resources – including historic boats and ships. Today’s guest, Pete Lesher, the chief curator of the museum is assisting in the latest restoration project of the 1882 Chesapeake […]

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Episode —  № 98

Preservation Around the World with Melanie Lytle of Restoration Works International

Do you enjoy international travel, historic buildings, and helping to restore important places? This week’s guest works to connect those interests through her work as Executive Director of Restoration Works International, an organization whose mission is to restore buildings of cultural significance and provide cultural exchange and understanding. Make sure you have your passport ready […]

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Episode —  № 97

How An Historic Site Learned New Tricks with James Donohue of Old Sturbridge Village

Old Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts, like Colonial Williamsburg to the south, is now historic in its own right. Founded in 1946, the 72-year old museum has told the story of the early federal period for nearly five decades – and like any institution of its size and scope – it is working hard to adapt […]

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Episode —  № 96

A Taste of History with Foodways Historian Joyce White

Food is a powerful tool for building relationships, warming the soul and providing comfort. Food can also tell us a lot about a culture – and can tell us a lot about our history. For foodways historian Joyce White, historic food is not only her passion, it’s also her career. Warm up something tasty as […]

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Episode —  № 95

The Intersection of Historic Preservation and Smart Growth with Kimberly Golden Brandt of Smart Growth Maryland

Historic preservation and smart growth are cut from the same cloth – and are interconnected in a variety of important ways. When we grow smart, we revitalize historic communities and keep from sprawling outward. It’s a message that Preservation Maryland has been making for years – but in the past several months the organization has […]

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Episode —  № 94

Training A Volunteer Workforce to Save Historic Places with Towny Anderson of HistoriCorps

Towny Anderson has over 40 years of experience with historic preservation. He has restored historic properties first as craftsman, then contractor, and later developer and owner. He was an independent scholar, cum laude graduate of Middlebury College and attended the Preservation Leadership Training program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Anderson served as Vermont’s […]

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