Episodes: page 11

Episode —  № 129

Piracy and Pirates on the Chesapeake Bay with Dr. Jamie Goodall

When you think of pirates – you may think of far-off warm islands and tropical beaches or perhaps your mind goes to modern-day piracy off the dangerous horn of Africa – but you probably don’t think of the brackish waters of the Chesapeake Bay off the cost of Maryland and Virginia. But, today’s guest, Dr. […]

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Episode —  № 128

The BBC’s Ruth Goodman is a Master Storyteller of British History

Few guests to PreserveCast have commanded as large an audience as today’s guest, Ruth Goodman. Ruth is an award-winning social and domestic historian of British history who has been involved in several highly-rated BBC television series and has used her knowledge and charm on the screen to make history approachable and interesting. Goodman is the […]

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Episode —  № 127

Elizabeth Finkelstein, Preservationist & Instagrammer, Makes Historic Real Estate Circa Awesome

Born in an 1850s Greek Revival home that was lovingly restored by her parents (and having attended more country auctions than she can count), Elizabeth Finkelstein’s love for crown molding and decorative ironwork runs in her gene pool. After high school, she left the quiet of the countryside for the bright lights of the big […]

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Episode —  № 126

Descending into the Bloody Cornfield with Civil War Historian, David A. Welker

Few names are as synonymous with Civil War battlefields as The Bloody Cornfield. It conjures up visions of harrowing bloodshed and the tragedy of fratricidal combat… Yet, for over 150 years, the story of this struggle has been difficult to track – the sway of battle back and forth over David R. Miller’s cornfield was […]

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Episode —  № 125

Building a Legacy in the Preservation Trades with Dr. Harrison Goodall

Dr. Harrison Goodall has over forty-eight years of experience with historic structures and facilities management and nearly sixty years of experience in training and education throughout the country. As a contractor, volunteer, and purveyor of preservation materials, Harrison has been involved in preserving hundreds if not thousands of historic structures around the nation. A 2016 […]

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Episode —  № 124

Leading from the Front: Aimee Jorjani, First Full-Time Chair of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation

Today’s guest is a first for PreserveCast. Aimee Jorjani was appointed by the President of the United States to be the first full-time chairman of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation – the federal agency tasked with coordinating preservation policy across the government. From the halls of Congress to the pueblos of the southwest – […]

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Episode —  № 123

What Civil War-Era Medicine Can Teach About Today’s Pandemic with Jake Wynn of the National Museum of Civil War Medicine

Walt Whitman once wrote that, “Future years will never know the seething hell and the black infernal background of countless minor scenes and interiors . . . of the Secession war; and it is best they should not—the real war will never get in the books.” Although the painful, real stories of the Civil War […]

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Episode —  № 122.1772

[BONUS] The Burns Violin Brings Sound of Scotland to America hosted by Mary Anthony of the 1772 Foundation

On this special extra edition of PreserveCast, you’ll hear from one of Preservation Maryland and PreserveCast’s best friends, Mary Anthony, Executive Director of The 1772 foundation as she interviews her friends with the National Trust of Scotland about a very special fiddle. Just to *see* this 250+-year-old violin in a glass case, you’d have to travel […]

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Episode —  № 121

(Re)Developing the “Why” of Preservation with Tom Moriarity of Retail Development Strategies

Why do we do what we do and why don’t others understand why it’s so important? Those are the driving questions that prompted long-time preservationist and real estate expert Tom Moriarty to dive into a discourse on what preservation needs in the years ahead. It’s a big task – but one that we need to […]

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Episode —  № 120

[Healthy, Hip & Historic] “The Future of History” by Greg Werkheiser, Cultural Heritage Partners

In this final episode of PreserveCast’s special Healthy, Hip & Historic series, Greg Werkheiser of Cultural Heritage Partners and ARtGlass presents the awesome opportunities that preservationists have to shape the telling of history well into the future – if, we tap into trends afoot in augmented reality, drone imaging and 3D printing, and artificial intelligence. 

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Episode —  № 119

[Heathy, Hip & Historic] “Reset to Default: Making Preservation the New Normal” by Jim Lindberg, National Trust for Historic Preservation

In the penultimate episode of PreserveCast’s special series during the COVID-19 pandemic, we will hear from Jim Lindberg, Senior Policy Director for the National Trust for Historic Preservation who will discuss the ways the goals of preservation are interconnected with those of advocates for issues like the environment, community health, and equitable development.

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Episode —  № 118

[Healthy, Hip & Historic] “Preserving History, Promoting Health” by Dr. Mimi Narayan

In this third episode of PreserveCast’s special series during the international coronavirus pandemic, we will hear from Dr. Debarati Majumdar “Mimi” Narayan of the Health Impact Project about the impact of historic preservation on the health of our communities and ourselves. As preservation addresses the physical material of our built environment – and those materials’ potential positive or […]

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Episode —  № 117

[Healthy, Hip & Historic] “People, Old Places and Health” by Dr. Jeremy C. Wells

Dr. Jeremy C. Wells is an Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland’s School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, with a research focus on the ways that people interact with their environment and the ways historic places – their decay and patina – influence their psychological and social health.

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Episode —  № 116

[Healthy, Hip & Historic] “What the Future Holds: Historic Preservation and Community Revitalization” by Storm Cunningham

As a regional partnership planner, Storm Cunningham has facilitated comprehensive revitalization processes, not just a vision, project or plan which help places enhance their economy, boost quality of life and increase climate resilience by repurposing, renewing and reconnecting their natural built and socioeconomic assets.

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Episode —  № 115

Pushing the Outer Limits of Preservation with Michelle Hanlon of For All Moonkind

PreserveCast Log. Star date 97757.16. Today we’re speaking with Michelle Hanlon, Co-Founder and President of For All Moonkind, Inc., a non-profit focused on protecting human cultural heritage in outer space. We’ll push the limits of the National Register and boldly go where no preservationist has gone before. We’ve got 20 minutes, so let’s put this […]

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Episode —  № 114

Making & Marketing New Reasons to Visit the C&O Canal with Heidi Glatfelter Schlag

With 4.4 million visitors in 2018, the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal is one of America’s most visited national park sites – a linear treasure of 184.5 miles of history, heritage and nature balanced precariously on the edge of the Potomac River as it curves from Georgetown in the District of Columbia to the foothills of […]

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Episode —  № 113

Roadtripping through America’s Automotive History with Diane Parker of the Historic Vehicle Association

Start your engines – because on this week’s PreserveCast we’re talking historic cars and the history of the American Automobile with Diane Parker, Vice President of the Historic Vehicle Association. Buckle up and hit the clutch, because you’re listening to a revved-up edition of PreserveCast.

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Episode —  № 112

Horses, Houses, and History in Saratoga Springs with Samantha Bosshart

Nestled in the verdant fields and forests of the Hudson Valley, Saratoga Springs is a historic jewel of New York State – a place where the past is evocative and ever-present. The unique and charming character of Saratoga Springs didn’t happen by accident – like many places it’s the result of dedicated preservationists, like today’s […]

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Episode —  № 111

Introducing Young Visitors to Difficult History at Gettysburg with Barbara Sanders

Few names are as synonymous with the Civil War as Gettysburg. For many Americans, Gettysburg is the Civil War – a touchstone of American history that has captured the imagination and interest of the nation since the battle was fought over 150 years ago. Today’s guest, Barbara Sanders, has worked for the National Park Service […]

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Episode —  № 110

[RERELEASE] Exploring the Haunted History of America with Colin Dickey

As preservationists, we here at PreserveCast are usually concerned with the physical history: what we can know from the cold hard facts. But seeing as how it’s October and Halloween is around the corner, we thought we’d talk a little about haunted history. Author Colin Dickey joined host Nick Redding to talk about the history of ghost stories […]

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