Category Archives: Uncategorized

Becoming a Nationally Protected Resource with Seth Clark

Today we’re joined by Seth Clark, Executive Director of The Ocmulgee National Park and Preserve Initiative (ONPPI). ONPPI is a community based group of Middle Georgia and Muscogee (Creek) citizens working together to expand the current site of the Ocmulgee Mounds National Historical Park into Georgia’s first National Park and Preserve. With growing national attention […]

A Peek into the History of the CCC with Erik Ledbetter

Join us as we explore the history of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and a living historian’s experience passing on his knowledge to parkgoers. On this week’s PreserveCast, we are talking with Erik Ledbetter from Maryland Park Service about his time at Seneca Creek State Park working as a Park Ranger, Assistant Manager of the […]

Building Small: Socially Responsible and Resilient Placemaking with Jim Heid

On this week’s PreserveCast, we are talking with Jim Heid, author of Building Small: A Toolkit for Real Estate Entrepreneurs, Civic Leaders and Great Communities. We will be looking at how Building Small is a tool for developers to integrate socially responsible, economically resilient, and authentic placemaking. And how this style of development and thinking […]

Selling History to a Wide Audience: A Conversation with David Bussiere Jr. of TR Historical

There’s many ways to experience and enjoy history – and this week’s episode is taking a deep dive with Dave Bussiere Jr. the owner and founder of TR Historical about his experience running a history-based retail shop. From an online shop to vendor stalls David will walk us through his experience and provide some insight […]

A Delicious History of Food with Dr. Ashley Rose Young

We hope you brought your appetite, because on this week’s PreserveCast, we are talking with Dr. Ashley Rose Young from the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History about American food, history, and culture. Dr. Young will share how she got started researching the intersection of race, ethnicity, and gender in American food culture and economy […]

PreserveCast Conversations: The Professor and the Practitioner Ep. 7

[Ep. 238] On this seventh edition of PreserveCast Conversations: The Professor and the Practitioner, an ongoing feature of PreserveCast, co-hosts Nicholas Redding and Dr. Whitney Martinko interview Dr. Ryan K. Smith about his new book on Richmond cemeteries and his related digital projects. They’re covering a lot of ground in today’s conversation on preservation and […]