June 25, 2018
Keeping NOLA Hip and Historic with Danielle Del Sol
America’s most iconic and historic neighborhoods may inadvertently become “loved to death.” Although heritage tourism brings many economic benefits to most established U.S. cities, it also comes with its fair share of challenges for its local populations. The negative effects of the rise in short-term rental properties have been felt in New Orleans’ French Quarter. Fortunately, today’s guest Danielle Del Sol is successfully combating these exact issues. Educating locals about the under-known history of their homes and neighborhoods, creating funnels to direct tourists to less-traveled (yet still happenin’) areas of New Orleans, and spearheading new methods of community engagement with the creation of the award-winning “Preservation in Print” magazine are just a few of the solutions she has implemented as the executive director of the Preservation Resource Center of New Orleans. So sit back and pour a tall glass of Southern comfort as Danielle shares both the challenges and hidden opportunities for innovation in historic preservation as a result of maintaining local history and culture in America’s jazziest city.
Show Notes
New Orleans isn’t the only city at risk of being loved to death. Learn how similar cities like Charleston are accommodating the ever-increasing influx of tourists while still retaining its local charm right here.
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