Monthly Archives: April 2024

Leading the Maryland Park Service with Angela Crenshaw

On today’s PreserveCast we’re sitting down with Angela Crenshaw, Director of the Maryland Park Service. We’ll hear about Angela’s background, the State Park system, famous Marylanders, and the important work she’s doing leading the department that safeguards Maryland’s cultural and natural resources. Note: Angela and Nick discuss career opportunities at DNR: Outdoor Afro:

Historic Charleston Foundation with Winslow Hastie

Join us this week as we talk with Winslow Hastie, President & CEO of the Historic Charleston Foundation (HCF). On this week’s episode, we chat with Winslow about the 77-year old organization – it’s past and future – and the Nathaniel Russell House, a 19th century historic house museum in Charleston, South Carolina, owned and […]

Historic Shoemaking with Andrew Rowand

On this week’s PreserveCast, join us as we talk with Andrew Rowand, a shoemaker who focuses on recreating shoes from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. Andrew will take us through his process for making the shoes, where his inspiration comes from, and what started his decade-long journey. Andrew Rowand has worked as a shoemaker, […]