Monthly Archives: July 2023

The Heirloom Gardener: Traditional Plants & Skills for the Modern World with John Forti

Join us in the garden on this week’s PreserveCast as we talk with John Forti about his book, The Heirloom Gardener: Traditional Plants & Skills for the Modern World. John will take us through how he started gardening, why he decided to put pen to paper, and the importance of heirloom and indigenous plants in […]

The Role Models We Need: Architect Barbie & Despina Stratigakos

Join us with guest Despina Stratigakos, who participated in a fascinating effort to get the Mattel Corporation to give Barbie a career in architecture. We like to keep things of topical interest here on PreserveCast and with the new Barbie movie out this week, it seemed fitting to revisit this conversation about representation and the […]

Preserving Black History and Culture with Dr. Jocelyn Imani (Trust for Public Land)

Join us on this week’s PreserveCast as we talk with Dr. Jocelyn Imani, the National Director for the Black History and Culture program at Trust for Public Land. Dr. Imani will discuss the importance of creating shared spaces that are more relevant and accessible to all populations. BIO: Dr. Jocelyn Imani is a storyteller, educator, […]

KIN: ROOTED IN HOPE with Carole Boston Weatherford & Jeffery Boston Weatherford

On this week’s PreserveCast, join us as we talk with Carole Boston Weatherford and her son, Jeffrey Boston Weatherford, about their book Kin: Rooted in Hope. Carole and Jeffrey will share their journey creating this book, set in Talbot County, Maryland, which reimagines Wye House plantation and the nearby all-Black, Reconstruction-era hamlets of Copperville and […]