Monthly Archives: April 2023

A Gettysburg Casino? The Story of Advocating for a Place and the Lessons Learned

On this special edition of PreserveCast we’re flipping the script! Normally, our host Nicholas Redding asks the questions and our guests tell us the story. On today’s episode Nick will be our storyteller, chronicling one of his first preservation advocacy battles and the hard-won lessons learned that can listeners can heed and use to speak […]

The Association for Preservation Technology with Greg Galer & Taryn Williams

On this week’s PreserveCast we’re diving deep into the technology of preservation with Greg Galer and Taryn Williams about their roles at The Association for Preservation Technology International (APT). We’re talking about how preservationists keep up with changing technology and how those trends, tools and the science of buildings is helping keep our historic structures […]

Transit-Oriented Development with David Adler

What is smart growth and why should preservationists care about it? On this week’s PreserveCast we’re talking with David Adler, an asset manager from David S. Brown Enterprises about transit-oriented development, incentives for smart growth and how historic preservationists can incentivize better growth in their own communities. All that and more, as we push the […]