Monthly Archives: April 2022

Silent Footsteps: Telling the story of Servants in England with Alice Rose of Kiplin Hall

In life the servants and staff of Kiplin Hall moved through the house silently undertaking their duties. We see traces of them in the historical record through things like accounts ledgers and diary entries. Then and today, they are shadows, without whom Kiplin Hall could not have existed and thrived. On this week’s episode of PreserveCast, we’re talking with Alice Rose, Programming Curator and Project Officer of Kiplin Hall & Gardens to discuss their latest exhibit which explores the world of servants and how embracing a more inclusive story is building interest in this well-preserved historic home.

PreserveCast Conversations Ep. 6: The Professor and the Practitioner

On this sixth edition of PreserveCast Conversations: The Professor and the Practitioner, an ongoing feature of PreserveCast, co-hosts Nicholas Redding and Dr. Whitney Martinko explore the trends, topics and issues that are making headlines in the world of preservation this month. They’re covering a lot of ground in today’s conversation on preservation and the issues that matter. For regular […]

Cutting Into Historic Art with Silhouette Artist Lauren Muney

There is something profoundly satisfying about seeing art produced in front of you – and something mesmerizing about seeing a silhouette cut in mere seconds that captures the look and feel of an individual. Today’s guest is preserving a historic artform passed down through the generations and is helping to tell important and diverse stories with her hands, paper and delicate scissors. On this week’s PreserveCast we’re talking about the history and future of hand cut silhouettes with master artist Lauren Muney.