Monthly Archives: March 2022

The Best Jobs in History: A Conversation with Beth Maser and Addison Williams

History is a big field made up of a variety of disciplines. Finding the right people to do the job can be tough – but one of the nation’s foremost history firms is working to address that challenge with the launch of We’re talking for-profit history and recruiting the best and brightest with Beth Maser and Addison Williams of History Associates Incorporated.

Interpreting and Preserving History By Doing It: The World of ALHFAM with Kathy Dickson

Nothing can replace the experience of seeing history come alive – whether it be on a farm or a carpenters shop or some other authentic historic setting. The people doing this work, known as living historians, put great effort into this work and are supported by a national organization – Association for Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums – who are working hard to keep history alive and make the field more representative of the stories they tell. All topics perfect to learn from on this week’s PreserveCast.

Sustainability, Equity, and Preservation: A Conversation with Dr. Erica Avrami

Dr. Erica Avrami’s research and publication on preservation policy is helping the movement reframe the way we think about our work – and helping to suggest ways of improving our efforts as we confront the legacy of preservation and the need for a more equitable, sustainable and just world – topics of conversation that I felt would be of great interest to all of our PreserveCast listeners.

The Cultural Destruction Wrought by Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine; a Conversation with Former Fulbright Scholar, Rachel Rettaliata

Historic preservationists know that our work isn’t just about physically preserving historic buildings, structures, and sites. It’s also about preserving and celebrating the intangible heritage and culture of people and their communities. I would be remiss, and sou would this podcast, if we didn’t lead by acknowledging the heart-breaking conflict in Ukraine and the value and importance of those intangible pieces of the Ukrainian identity, too. On this special edition of PreserveCast, we’re sitting down with Rachel Rettaliata to discuss what’s at risk as this illegal and unjust invasion drags on.