Monthly Archives: June 2021

Exploring Heritage Entertainment with Past Preservers Founder Nigel Hetherington

Over the course of the past year on PreserveCast, we’ve explored several crossovers between heritage preservation and entertainment – with a particular focus on the BBC “farm” series – and this week’s episode is a further dive into this concept with the founder of Past Preservers, a firm dedicated to that very work of connecting experts with media.

Resurrecting Age Old Trades at Guédelon

In Burgundy, France, around forty workers are taking up an extraordinary challenge: to build a fortified castle using the techniques and materials used in the Middle Ages. It’s almost a surreal project and today we’re talking with Sarah Preston, a bilingual tour guide at Guédelon, a site that is literally resurrecting age old trades in the name of preservation, history and understanding.

D-Day Land: A Conflict Between Tourism and Respect

As a preservationist, I cut my teeth on battlefield preservation – working for what’s today the American Battlefield Trust. I led an effort to defeat a proposed Gettysburg casino – so the idea of how we preserve and protect hallowed battlefields has always interested me. That’s why when I heard about a controversial proposal to build a so called, “D-Day land,” I knew we had a good fit – and so on this week’s PreserveCast, we’re heading to the bocage country to talk about heritage preservation with a French twist.