April 5, 2021
Repairing, Restoring, and Preserving with Master Craftsperson Amy McAuley
Talented tradespeople make preservation physically possible. Today’s guest is Amy McAuley, the preservation joiner at George Washington’s Mount Vernon, where she uses hand powered tools to repair, restore and preserve one of America’s most historic homes. As we celebrate Women’s History Month, we’re talking with a talented female tradesperson who is doing her part to keep the traditional trades’ alive on this week’s PreserveCast.
Amy McAuley is currently the Preservation Joiner at George Washington’s Mount Vernon. From 2002 until taking the position at Mount Vernon in 2019 she was the owner of Oculus Fine Carpentry based in Portland, Oregon. It was through her work as Oculus Fine Carpentry where she specialized in the conservation and construction of 18th and 19th century windows and doors. Some notable projects include George Washington’s Mount Vernon in Virginia, Heceta Head Lighthouse in Oregon, and Fort Simcoe in Washington State. Amy holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Oregon and one year of post baccalaureate work in Architecture at Portland State University. She is a member of numerous organizations including as Expert Member of the ICOMOS International Wood Committee, a member of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation and a member of American Institute for Conservation. In her free time Amy is busy restoring a house in Virginia for Fairfax County’s Resident Curator Program.
Show Notes
Today’s episode of PreserveCast is brought to you by Masonry Solutions International and Oliver Pluff & Company.
We want to thank Masonry Solutions International for sponsoring today’s episode of PreserveCast. Masonry Solutions International specializes in structural repairs for historic masonry buildings. With decades of experience, Masonry Solutions International helps stabilize and enhance important historic places, supporting the owners and project teams involved in that challenging work. To learn more about Masonry Solutions International’s work, visit masonrysolutions.com . That’s M A S O N R Y S O L U T I O N S dot com.
We want to thank Oliver Pluff & Company for sponsoring today’s episode of PreserveCast. Oliver Pluff & Company tells the story of historic American beverages–including teas, spiced-drinks, cacao, and coffee–for historical sites, National Parks, gourmet markets, and consumers looking for a great beverage, hand-packaged in signature, artisan tins. To enjoy a cup of history and learn more about what Oliver Pluff & Company offers, please visit, oliverpluff.com that’s O L I V E R P L U F F dot com.
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