Monthly Archives: April 2021

Overground Railroad: The Green Book and the Roots of Black Travel in America with Candacy Taylor

Candacy Taylor is an award-winning author, photographer and cultural documentarian working on a multidisciplinary project based on the Green Book. In her book, “Overground Railroad: The Green Book and the Roots of Black Travel in America,” Taylor has masterfully pulled together this story of resilience and segregation in a way that elevates and memorializes this history – a history still rooted in countless towns and cities across America. 

Serving up the Past with Oliver Pluff and Company

Like many episodes, this week’s guest came from a personal passion and fascination – in this case with historic blends of teas. After my first sip of Oliver Pluff tea, I knew we had to get to the bottom of this story and learn how this Charleston, South Carolina based company has cornered the market on heritage tea in the United States. It’s a story brewed over several thousand years and one we’re serving up piping hot on this week’s PreserveCast.

Repairing, Restoring, and Preserving with Master Craftsperson Amy McAuley

Ask anyone working in the trades about who we should be keeping on eye on – and many will tell you Amy McAuley. It’s for that reason that I knew we had to get Amy on PreserveCast and release that episode in conjunction with our celebration and recognition of women in preservation and the historic trades. Known for working with hand tools (that means no power tools), Amy is a master craftsperson making waves in a field that deserves far more attention.