Monthly Archives: March 2021

Art Heals: The Jingle Dress Project with Eugene Tapahe

Preserving history and telling and conveying important stories is really what this podcast is all about. We like to talk to people around the world doing amazing things with history – and that’s precisely what this week’s guest, Eugene Tapahe, has done with the Jingle Dress Project. Part history, part culture, part art and part healing – this is a powerful project that every American should know about.

Working with Our Hands in a Hands-Free World with BBC’s Peter Ginn

I’ve been a fan of Peter Ginn ever since I watched the first episode of Victorian Farm, where he portrayed a Victorian-era farmer in England alongside Ruth Goodman and Alex Langlands. Peter has deftly combined his knowledge of the past with entertainment and is a proud ambassador for preserving historic trades and crafts. In short, he’s the ideal PreserveCast guest.

Shattering the Glass Ceiling of Trades Training with Lisa Sasser

Lisa Sasser is a true trailblazer in the preservation trades; an accomplished historic architect, accomplished tradesperson and notably, the first woman to complete the National Park Service preservation trades training program. On this week’s PreserveCast, we’re talking with Lisa Sasser about women in the trades and the future of trades training in America.

“Why Keep That?”: Collecting Things of Lasting Significance

World War One has always fascinated me – and so has the decision on what to collect interpret and exhibit – so today’s episode is a perfect blend of interests and topics. What we preserve says more about us than it often even does the history itself, a reason we were excited to bring this fascinating discussion to our listeners.

Maryland’s African American History Commission: Leading Preservation Efforts for 50 Years

As a Marylander involved in historic preservation, I have always been extremely impressed by the work of the Maryland Commission on African American History and Culture. The Commission is the oldest ethnic commission in the nation and doesn’t just talk about preserving history – it directly invests millions of dollars in brick-and-mortar projects across the state. It’s a Maryland story with national implications and one we had to bring to PreserveCast.