Monthly Archives: September 2020

The Best of the West with Katherine Wonson of the Western Center for Historic Preservation

Wyoming is a mysterious and magical place. The very word conjures up visions of roughhewn buildings, horses, and wide open spaces. Preservation seems a natural fit in that majestic setting – and today’s guest is plying the craft and trade of preservation in Jackson Hole as the Director of the National Park Service’s Western Center […]

Illuminating Southern Appalachian History at Foxfire Museum with Kami Ahrens

Foxfire is the bioluminescence created by some species of fungi present in decaying wood. It is a wonderfully evocative word selected by a teacher and student over 50 years ago to be the title for their new project to document life in the southern Appalachians. What started initially as a student project has live on […]

[RERELEASE] Antietam Anniversary: What We Think We Know With Historian Dennis Frye

Do you ever wonder how authors and historians can keep writing new books about the same ‘ole history? Shouldn’t it never change because it’s all in the past? The truth is anything but. No one can explain that better than our guest, Dennis Frye – having been involved in everything from giving tours to leading nationally important […]

[RERELEASE] 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment: Considering Racism & Diversity in Discussing the Women’s Suffrage Movement With Kacy Rohn

It has been historically all too easy for the places associated with underrepresented communities to fall through the cracks of the historic record. To a degree, that has been the case with the overly-simplified history presented of the Women’s Suffrage Movement. But with the recent spotlight on the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment, new research […]