Monthly Archives: August 2020

Gettysburg: A Touchstone of American History with Christopher Gwinn

Gettysburg is a special place and has been since the ground was made hallowed by soldiers nearly 160 years ago. Today, as America grapples with its history – especially its Civil War history – places like Gettysburg are critical to the understanding of who we are and where we are headed. Today’s guest is responsible […]

Going Net Zero at Historic Sites with Siân Phillips of the National Trust of England, Wales & Northern Ireland

When most people think of a historic site or landscape, they don’t think about the future. Today’s guest is not most people. Siân Phillips is a renewable energy specialist with the National Trust of England, Wales and Northern Ireland – a legendary preservation organization which is charting a new course for historic places – they’re […]

Elevating Authentic Stories from the Underground Railroad with Dr. Kate Clifford Larson

Few names have become as synonymous with grit, determination, and liberty as Harriet Tubman. A Moses for her people, Tubman has become an almost mythical character who represents the best of the American spirit in the face of incredible suffering and inhumanity. Yet, for many years, she lacked a rigorous and scholarly biography. Today’s guest, […]

Future of Open-Air Museums & Historic Trades at the Genesee Country Village

Nestled among the verdant fields and winding streams of the Genesee River Valley in upstate New York is one of America’s largest living history museums. Founded in 1966, the Genesee Country Village & Museum features 68 historic structures from the 19th century, moved from locations throughout Western New York, a gallery of sporting art, and […]