Monthly Archives: April 2020

What Civil War-Era Medicine Can Teach About Today’s Pandemic with Jake Wynn of the National Museum of Civil War Medicine

Walt Whitman once wrote that, “Future years will never know the seething hell and the black infernal background of countless minor scenes and interiors . . . of the Secession war; and it is best they should not—the real war will never get in the books.” Although the painful, real stories of the Civil War […]

[BONUS] The Burns Violin Brings Sound of Scotland to America hosted by Mary Anthony of the 1772 Foundation

On this special extra edition of PreserveCast, you’ll hear from one of Preservation Maryland and PreserveCast’s best friends, Mary Anthony, Executive Director of The 1772 foundation as she interviews her friends with the National Trust of Scotland about a very special fiddle. Just to *see* this 250+-year-old violin in a glass case, you’d have to travel […]

(Re)Developing the “Why” of Preservation with Tom Moriarity of Retail Development Strategies

Why do we do what we do and why don’t others understand why it’s so important? Those are the driving questions that prompted long-time preservationist and real estate expert Tom Moriarty to dive into a discourse on what preservation needs in the years ahead. It’s a big task – but one that we need to […]