Monthly Archives: November 2018

How An Historic Site Learned New Tricks with James Donohue of Old Sturbridge Village

Old Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts, like Colonial Williamsburg to the south, is now historic in its own right. Founded in 1946, the 72-year old museum has told the story of the early federal period for nearly five decades – and like any institution of its size and scope – it is working hard to adapt […]

The Intersection of Historic Preservation and Smart Growth with Kimberly Golden Brandt of Smart Growth Maryland

Historic preservation and smart growth are cut from the same cloth – and are interconnected in a variety of important ways. When we grow smart, we revitalize historic communities and keep from sprawling outward. It’s a message that Preservation Maryland has been making for years – but in the past several months the organization has […]

Training A Volunteer Workforce to Save Historic Places with Towny Anderson of HistoriCorps

Towny Anderson has over 40 years of experience with historic preservation. He has restored historic properties first as craftsman, then contractor, and later developer and owner. He was an independent scholar, cum laude graduate of Middlebury College and attended the Preservation Leadership Training program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Anderson served as Vermont’s […]