Monthly Archives: September 2018

Incorporating Contemporary Sound in Historic Spaces with Ian Hoffman

Reusing and restoring historic places requires many specialized skill sets. For historic theaters and music venues, a major component in that process is making the space sound right. It’s no easy task and for today’s guest, Professor Ian Hoffman, it’s a job that has taken him across the globe. Ian is an architect and acoustic designer. His career […]

Myth Busting Historic Tax Credits with Renee Kuhlman

The term policy is usually associated with facts, figures, and dry, boring statistics. Today’s guest, Renee Kuhlman, proves that association wrong. In her 19 years at the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Renee has provided advocacy training, written articles, and briefs on policy issues, and has worked with preservationists around the country to effect real […]

Saving Historic Ellicott City with Mary Catherine Cochran

Historic Ellicott City Maryland is a place that exudes authenticity. It has been flooded again and again, traipsed over by Civil War soldiers, and stained by locomotive smoke. Unfortunately, the most recent floods have resulted in local officials calling to demolish large portions of the historic district, a move that could set a terrible precedent […]

Modernizing Historic Annapolis with Karen Theimer Brown

For today’s guest, heading back to the eighteenth century is a daily occurrence and a requirement. Karen Theimer Brown is the vice-president of preservation at Historic Annapolis, a non-profit organization tasked with protecting, preserving and interpreting the history of Maryland’s capital city. Founded in 1649, Annapolis remains one of the most authentic and intact colonial […]