Monthly Archives: August 2018

Two-Stepping Through Dance Hall Country with Steph McDougal

Preservationists often wear many hats across a variety of fields. Today’s guest is no exception. Steph McDougal is a preservation renaissance figure – working as a preservation consultant, authoring books about Texas architecture, and volunteering her time to serve her community and to save historic dance halls throughout the Lone Star State.  Not only is Steph the founder of McDoux […]

Exploring Harriet Tubman’s Dorchester County with Amanda Fenstermaker

Maryland’s Eastern Shore is a place rich in history. Dorchester County, founded in 1669, is one of the Shores’ most historic places – a place perhaps most famous for its connection to Harriet Tubman – one of Maryland’s most iconic and daring daughters. This week’s guest Amanda Fenstermaker works tirelessly to market, advocate, and protect […]

Deep Sea Diving with Dr. Robert Neyland

Underwater archaeology holds a special place in historic preservation. Dramatic, risky, cold, murky are all words that come to mind. For the stalwart archaeologists of the United States Naval History and Heritage Command it’s not just about finding history. It’s also about protecting the 242 year legacy of the United States Navy. Dr. Robert Neyland, […]

Flying Through Aviation History with Andrea Cochrane Tracey

The World War I fighter ace Eddie Rickenbacker once wrote that, “Aviation is proof that given the will, we have the capacity to achieve the impossible.” Today’s guest, Andrea Cochrane Tracey, is leading the effort to preserve and interpret the College Park Aviation Museum, a place that tells that story of conquering the impossible just […]