Monthly Archives: June 2018

Keeping NOLA Hip and Historic with Danielle Del Sol

America’s most iconic and historic neighborhoods may inadvertently become “loved to death.” Although heritage tourism brings many economic benefits to most established U.S. cities, it also comes with its fair share of challenges for its local populations. The negative effects of the rise in short-term rental properties have been felt in New Orleans’ French Quarter. […]

Kristen Harbeson and the Environmental Side of Preservation

Not all preservationists are environmentalists and not all environmentalists are preservationists – but today’s guest is, in fact, both. Kristen Harbeson is the Political Director of the Maryland League of Conservation Voters – the political voice of the environment. She’s a tireless advocate for healthy communities and has made a career in standing up for issues that matter […]

Dennis Frye and the History We Think We Know

Do you ever wonder how people can write new books about history? Shouldn’t it never change because it’s all in the past? The truth is anything but. No one can explain that better than today’s guest, Dennis Frye. Having been involved in everything from giving tours to leading nationally important preservation and battlefield protection organizations, […]