Monthly Archives: February 2018

The Brewmaster’s Castle: The Heurich House Museum

If you think about history in Washington, D.C. you’ll probably think about all the massive monuments and national museums. While there’s nothing wrong with that, D.C. has local history and culture just like any city, and few places capture that history like the Heurich House Museum. Kim Bender and Jennifer Ezell joined Nick from the […]

Highway to History: Maryland State Highway Administration

At first glance, it might seem strange to think of an archaeologist working in a state’s highway administration office. But in reality the two can go hand-in-hand. Julie Schablitsky has conducted archaeological research and digs everywhere from Scotland to Maryland to California. She has utilized augmented reality to allow people to explore reconstructions of slave […]

The History Doctor, Taylor Stoermer

Big picture questions in public history and historic preservation can sometimes be intimidating to think about. What should the public expect from their historic institutions? How do public history sites remain relevant in a world that seems to change more and more every year? Fortunately, there are people out there like today’s guest, Dr. Taylor […]