Monthly Archives: June 2017

Too Afraid to Cry: Maryland Civilians in the Antietam Campaign

The battle at Antietam Creek has gone down in history as the bloodiest day of the American Civil War. But as too often happens in significant military moments, people tend to overlook what this battle meant for the local civilian population. That’s why this week’s guest, the award-winning author Kathleen Ernst, decided to do exactly […]

Diners, Dueling Grounds, and Dives: Roadside Architecture and the Anacostia Trails Heritage Area

Route One was once America’s thoroughfare, built over the older Quebec-Miami International Highway and the Atlantic Highway. A decent stretch of this old road falls under the purview of Aaron Marcavitch, the Executive Director of Maryland’s Anacostia Trails Heritage Area and this week’s guest. Aaron is an advocate for the preservation of roadside architecture, ranging […]

It’s Not the Heat, It’s the Humidity: Preservation in the Southern Climate

Phew! Everybody loves the summertime, but not so much the beating hot sun! Nick spoke this week with Will Hamilton and Mariah Schwartz about the historic Aiken Rhett House in Charleston, South Carolina, and what preservationists can do to keep the temperature of a historic property under control, especially in the heat of a Southern […]